The Official Website of the Abercrombie-Schatz Transition
Frequently Asked Questions
Please visit this website often for updates. New information is becoming available each day.

Who is involved in the transition?

Bill Kaneko, who served as campaign manager for Abercrombie for Governor, is the Transition Director in charge of organizing the process and gathering information, input, and applicants from the community. Laurie Au and Jim McCoy are the contacts for all media inquiries.

How do I apply for a position?

Every person interested in applying for a position with the Abercrombie Administration is required to apply online by submitting a resume and contact information.

Applicants may specify a specific position and department or may apply for a general position within the administration.

When should I turn in my application?

Applications will start being reviewed on November 15, 2010. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application by this date to get the maximum consideration.