The Official Website of the Abercrombie-Schatz Transition

The Next Steps

"We will work immediately to build a sustainable economy where we produce our own clean energy and grow our own healthy food. We will build an economy fueled by our entrepreneurial spirit and our unique island ingenuity; an economy filled with good-paying jobs and opportunities for our children.

"We will make investments in our people and families—in their health and education beginning before birth, through early childhood, in our public schools and university system—to unlock every bit of potential in our greatest resource—our diverse island people.

"We will build community, reaching out to one another, improving our understanding of each other, always seeking resolution, and forming partnerships of all kinds to serve our children, our elders, and those who have fallen on hard times."

- Neil Abercrombie

Neil Abercrombie and Brian Schatz were elected with an agenda called a New Day in Hawaii. They also produced an implementation plan called the Recovery and Reinvestment Plan for Hawaii. Please read both plans below to better understand their vision for Hawaii.